A small corner of the internet to interpret dreams, discuss paganism and the occult, mythology and whatever strikes our fancy over a lovely spot of tea.
I have fallen down a rabbit hole and it keeps on going. I wonder where it's going to drop me. This all started with the visit from Quetzalcoatl and now I have been directed to look towards the Pleiades (also known as the serpent's rattle), the seven stars in the constellation Taurus. Apparently, there are even extraterrestrial beings known as the Pleiadians who apparently have a hand in the events of 2012. Now is the time to sort the conspiracy theories from the facts. My brain is currently on overload, but I'm not complaining, I love to think. Whatever is supposed to occur next month is set for the winter solstice, the 21st. With that date fast approaching and Christmas soon to follow, I have been thinking heavily on Mithras yet again. The mystery cult of Mithraism predated that of Christianity, however the latter religion ended up adopting a shocking amount of similarities. Perhaps Christmas should be called Mithrasmas *cheesy grin*. Personally, I celebrate the month of December with the twelve days of Yule starting on Mother Nights (the solstice) and ending after the new year. I observe Odin's Wild Hunt and the epic battle between the Oak and Holly King, I feast and make merry with my friends and family, and gift my son one gift over the span of twelve days. This is also the season I witness Skaði, daughter of Thiassi the frost giant, at her strongest. She is the goddess of winter, wolves, hunting and mountains (to name a few). If anyone is familiar with the quote "Winter is coming" from A Game of Thrones, then perhaps you would enjoy my take on it: "Skaði is coming" *insert cheesy grin*.
This afternoon's post can totally be described as a rant with some semblance of direction. Please feel free to continue the conversation or post some questions. Let's have a discussion over a delightful kettle of tea (currently drinking Earl Grey).
With the paint still drying on my newly refurbished blog (it was active yet empty for perhaps a year) I'd like to illustrate a dream I had two days ago. Let it be known that it isn't unusual for me to have elaborate nocturnal reveries, its quite common. With that said, this particular dream was direct and minimal in regards to the dream-scape and the encounter. There were no steps to this dream, no storyline to follow. I fell asleep, opened my "eyes", and found myself floating amongst the clouds. The sun must have been setting because the heavens were awash with burnished copper, antique gold, muted apricot and hues of pale coral. Below, the clouds rolled apart to reveal a city built on the side of a large cliff. It's face was overgrown with jungle vegetation divided by a waterfall that came cascading over the edge. I looked back up into the sky and my eyes met with a giant serpent. It appeared as though he was "treading water" based on his movements as he swayed back and forth in the air. His eyes were intense, like two orbs of bright copper. I noticed that this serpent was covered in feathers, all of which reflected the light of the sun. In my head, a voice was speaking to me in a language I didn't understand. I took away three words, two in English and the other a name. "Math", "Opal" and "Quetzalcoatl".
The voice apparently sensed my understanding and managed to explain that Quetzalcoatl's feathered where made of opals. I was surprised to be in the presence of this particular deity, I've never before conversed or given much attention to Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god of the Aztecs. Just then his eyes began to burn and the sky melted into a serious shade of red. It was as if I was experiencing a red-out (similar to a blackout but with the exception that blood is being forced into your head causing you to see the color red). As the world turned and Quetzalcoatl's eyes continued to burn he bombarded me with the word "Math", over and over again until it felt like he was punching me with it. Quetzalcoatl was very commanding of that term, as if it held some extreme importance. The basic understanding of math is the ability to count. Could it be that simple? Am I being asked to count something? End scene (dream). Later that day after I awoke, I began doing some research and discovered that Quetzalcoatl is the patron god of books, calendars, intelligence, creation, and self-reflection among other things. My current hypothesis is that humanity may experience some level of enlightenment in December or perhaps we shall see some cosmic event that could generate a physical or spiritual event.
Lets not forget the meaning behind the opal gemstone. A few of it's mystical properties include enhancing imagination/creativity/memory, rendering individuals "invisible" to a situation or entity, and as an aid in the process of change. That last part is what interests me the most, based on the context of the dream. Is it far fetched to suspect that we are going to experience change next month? I can only offer a hypothesis, however I hope that humanity will indeed be gifted with some form of enlightenment (in whatever form it takes). Hold on to your butts, here comes December.