Yesterday afternoon on my way home from the mall, I pulled in behind a car at a red light. On the back window was a large golden decal. I peered over my dashboard to get a closer inspection and realized it was the Aztec sun stone or the Stone of the Five Eras (also known as the calendar stone). A little history lesson for you guys: the stone contained two cycles within it's bands, a 365 day count (which we attribute to a year) and also a 260 day count ritual cycle. The symbols in the center of the stone are said to depict five historical eras. There has been speculation as to who the figure in the center of the stone represents. Some have claimed it was a sun god, however another theory produced by Richard Townsend suggests the figurehead is Tlaltecuhtli, a monstrous Aztec earth goddess responsible for destroying the worlds Quetzalcoatl and his brother, Tezcatlipoca created. The tale goes that both Quetzalcoatl and his brother transformed themselves into giant snakes and bound themselves around Tlaltecuhtli until she was ripped in half. They used her body parts to create the earth and made it possible for human beings to support themselves by using the gifts her flesh provided. However, the earth goddess' provisional abilities could only be sustained through a tribute of human blood.
Now, in the realm of hypotheses and newly minted theories, perhaps an event or change for our planet might arrive sometime next month if it hasn't already (global warming). We haven't appeased the Earth enough and now she may be halting her helpful ways. Or maybe it could be a lot more sinister (worst case scenario theories go!). So then, by seeing this Sun Stone decal chance or was it placed there by some divine intervention. For the record, I don't believe in coincidence. I believe that everything happens for a reason, however you the reader may populate my comment box with you own ideas. Speak up and let me know! I shall end this blog and leave you with a song. For the past couple days, ever since Quetzalcoatl came to visit, the tune Radioactive by Imagine Dragons has been following me around. The lyrics are fantastic and the chorus line "welcome to the new age, to the new age" burns in my brain like a golden link to somewhere.
Once you're aware of something it shows up everywhere. It's like my affinity to the number 7. I can't escape from it; I can't hide from it; I've just stopped trying ;)
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